Watson Analytics
During a UX Design Sprint, I was tasked-along with three other team members-to create a platform for cryptocurrency investors. We were first given a problem statement outlining a hypothetical customer who was interested in investing in cryptocurrency but hesitant due to their lack of knowledge. From there, our team participated in many brainstorming sessions, design sessions, and testing sessions; eventually we created Watson Analytics, a platform where users can learn about and invest in crypto.

Watson starts by taking the user, in this case, Poppy, through a tutorial of the platform. This helps the user familiarize themselves with where everything is located. It then introduces the educational component.


A major component of Watson is the cryptofluency score, a score given to users as they complete modules and learn more about crypto. The score acts as an incentive; if users become 100% cryptofluent, they will earn $10 in Bitcoin from Watson
Onboarding Quiz
Before Poppy can begin any educational modules, they are prompted with an onboarding quiz to evaluate their current cryptocurrency knowledge. This then places them at a learning level and determines where they start among all of the Watson courses.

Guided Learning
After completing their onboarding, Poppy begins the first guided learning tool in the education center. The guided tool begins with an overview of the lesson and introduces the topics in a quick video.

To reinforce knowledge from the previous components of the guided learning tool, Poppy is given an opportunity to review using flashcards.
Mobile Versions + User Testing Example
To ensure that Watson caters to all types of users, especially those on the go using mobile devices, we created a mobile version of the education center. Some of our most important feedback was given regarding the mobile experiences.

Review cont.
Poppy is able to save her progress and continue it at separate times throughout the guided tool. They are also able to continue on a separate device, in this case, their phone.
Following the flashcard component of the first lesson, Poppy is able to test their knowledge using Cryptocheck, a short quiz that can be taken on a mobile device or computer. Below are the first mobile versions we created for Cryptocheck.

The feedback we received regarding mobile states first entailed the hierarchy of the content itself. Users felt their eyes were drawn to the terms first, as those are highlighted in color, overall defeating the purpose of the exercise. We were also told to add more than two answers; it felt pointless to let the user re-try if there was only one other option to choose from.
Updated Cryptocheck

Completion of Guided Tool
After completing the Cryptocheck, Poppy learns they have become 12% closer to being Cryptofluent and is able to review everything they learned throughout the entire module.

When Poppy returns to the home page for the Guided Tools, it shows they have fully completed Crypto-101. An important piece of feedback we received was to show progress outside of the course itself so the user is aware of their progress at all times. After returning, Poppy is then asked to provide feedback on the course. We decided to add a text field at the end of the feedback form to ensure inclusivity in our experience.

The next time Poppy logs onto Watson and views their dashboard, they will see their progress from previous modules in their cryptofluency score.
Challenges & Takeaways
The biggest challenge we all seemed to face was simplifying such a complex topic within our prototype. We constantly were making sure that both the content and designs were easily understood by all; the average American reads at a 7th grade reading level, so our main goal was to make the entire experience easily digestible.
My biggest takeaway from this project was how many iterations of content we had to create to ensure it was simple, easy to understand, yet informative. This project forced me to improve my content writing quickly and adapt new techniques, such as nudge messaging, to improve my content even further.